I've been running through my mistakes and trying to make scene of what to do. I have many plans concerning this summer and many ideas. Hopefully an installation and starting sculptures, which is like foreign language to me but I'm all for braking that barer. This summer will be a summer of growth.
After all I am not going to college next year, and I very much came in terms with the idea, but I crossed my heart and promised to take a giant leap forward with art this year. No more petty sketches and excuses to stay in comfort zone of my ~teenage years~. I have always been a child at heart but related to older crowd, so I don't know why this part of me is so undeveloped still. I guess there is time for everything, and this is the time to stop. I have completely remodeled my room and stocked up on suede mat board + canvas, so I'd say we are to a good start, sail away!